Our Case Study

Hyland Increase There Conversions Rate By 57%

When our clients work with us, they don’t just ask for services, they ask for a partner that can
help them strategically. Sometimes that’s improving systems, processes or ways of working
sometimes it’s tackling a new audience, vertical or industry.

Global B2B Digital
Advertising Programme

Hyland helps organisations across the globe manage information, simplify processes and connect systems. Hyland are also a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Service Platforms. Since April 2019, Modern have provided strategy and management for the global B2B digital advertising programme including search, display, social advertising and programmatic, across US, LATAM, APAC and EMEA. The digital advertising programme focuses on broad messages to new audiences and existing audiences. Over the course of the first six months, we delivered a significant upweight in leads and 32% lower CPA.



The primary objective was to stablise the accounts through optimisation after a volatile changeover period and introduce new strategies to generate leads from existing and new audiences.


Hyland have a complex budgeting structure, so every market has its own distinct budget and lead target, as well as an overall global lead target. In addition, it had been difficult to get a handle on the budget information without a manual update within the client’s budget tracker. In our first 6 months our priorities were:

Stablise Google Accounts

The transition of accounts had shot the CPA up to over 3x of target across all Google accounts. As the main driver of leads we had to stablise this fast to prevent the burnout of budget and under delivery of leads. We ran an eight week programme of micro-optimisation tests which were run concurrently to get learnings fast and correct the deviation. The programme resulted in a massive turnaround in performance, stablising the accounts and reducing overall Google CPA by 32%.

Reduce Reliance On Google With Social Ads

Google was the primary driver of leads, however social ads had only been used sparsely for vertical campaigns with mixed success. We introduced LinkedIn and Facebook ads to English speaking regions and then rolled out to LATAM. The results have been exceptionally strong with below-target CPAs, enabling us to de-risk the programme, lower overall CPA and reach new audiences

Lead Reporting

Managing the budget split across 4 regions, 4 languages, 14 budget lines and 6 platforms is challenging. With a strict no-overspend policy, we developed a real-time budget tracker to track performance and budget (leads and CPA) giving hourly updates on performance.


With the management techniques, ongoing optimisation and test and learn strategies applied the account, Hyland are seeing better performance month after month. Overall CPA is down 32% and the lead volume has increased 43% – enabling the annual MQL lead target to be hit early.

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